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My top of the list Designed shops in Antwerp

 In Belgium, Best of, My world, Travel with me
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I have been coming to Antwerp for many years and I am so happy it’s on my map, It’s located in Belgium and worth a visit.

Here are some of my best shops in antwerp. you can read about them from my last visit here 

They call it the city of fashion and they are right, you can find everything you are looking for in Antwerp from the big retailers (like Primark, H&M, Zara, Hema, C&A , Uniqlo and many more ) to much smaller boutique shops. You can find the best upcoming designers and the unknown.  Also vintage and street style. Everything is there within walking distance.

For hotels click here 


Walking down MIER Street will lead you to the old city. this main shopping street in Antwerp.
It is an ideal place for every shopaholic and you can find there all the known brands but for the smaller brands and more designed shops you better wonder to the small streets.

Here are my My top of the list Designed Shops:

Graanmarkt 13

A house where you can find high end fashion. a great space to walk in, several floors with a nice restaurants and an apartment you can rent

Moose in the city

This was a very nice surprise since I didn’t know this store and I just loved it!
Immerse yourself in Scandinavian culture and discover some gems from the world of design, the art of living and fashion.
Great shopping experience

Gaest Design

Just next to moose you can find Gaest Design a very nice store
They have trendy items, textiles and accessories


On my way to my must do I entered the Bolia store and wished I was living in Antwerp and could by a sofa or 2:)

Mark, Readcycle & cherish

As I said, Antwerp is flat and you can walk it all or you can ride a bike … while walking I entered this super cool shop that has many gifts gadget books and cycling

                           TO BE CONTINUED – PIN FOR LATER – SHARE TO CARE


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